Computer Engineering

The Master of Science in Computer Engineering with Thesis program, within the Graduate School of Graduate Education of Tarsus University, started to admit students in the academic year 2022-2023. Computer Engineering has become one of the engineering disciplines with the widest employment opportunities in our country as well as all over the world with the use of information and communication technologies in every field. The aim of the Master of Science in Computer Engineering with Thesis program is to provide advanced theoretical knowledge of different techniques for the development of computer technologies and information systems; to increase students' analytical, critical and problem solving skills; to specialize them in the design, development and evaluation of these systems and to prepare them for industrial careers and advanced research. In addition, it is aimed that the students will develop new technologies that will increase the competitiveness of our country and produce outputs that will benefit science, environment and society at the international level with the projects they will carry out within the scope of their thesis. The Computer Engineering Master's program with thesis is a program whose medium of instruction is Turkish and graduates with the title of “Computer Engineer” at the end of two years of education. In order to graduate, students are required to successfully complete 7 theoretical elective courses, 1 seminar subject and thesis study, which are offered by the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering within the Graduate Education Institute. While Computer Engineers can be promoted to managerial positions in their workplaces, they can take part in important R&D projects in the field they specialize in large industrial organizations. In addition, those who want to continue working in the academic field may have the opportunity to work as a research assistant during their master's degree or as a lecturer after completing their master's degree.