About us

"International Trade and Logistics" Thesis Master's and Doctorate Programs are programs affiliated with Tarsus University Graduate Education Institute. Students were admitted to the Master's Program for the first time in the 2015-2016 Fall Semester, and to the PhD Program in the 2019-2020 Fall Semester. The main purpose of the programs is to train self-confident, expert individuals who have advanced knowledge and skills in the field of International Trade and Logistics to meet the needs of today's and future working life. The programs aim to enable students to produce scientific knowledge through research and publications, to integrate and interpret this knowledge, and to serve society with this knowledge. For this reason, in addition to compulsory courses related to International Trade and Logistics, the programs include elective courses that students can choose according to their own preferences. In International Trade and Logistics Graduate Programs, courses are taught by 1 Professor, 3 Associate Professors and 1 Dr., each of whom is an expert in their field. It is given by the faculty member.
Since International Trade and Logistics is a field for both the private sector and the public, the employment areas of graduates of this department are relevant ministries and foreign trade of national/international companies in general. logistics. foreign marketing, accounting, finance, production, human resources and management departments. Master's and doctoral education is an effective factor in helping graduates gain higher careers in these companies. Additionally, postgraduate programs offer students the opportunity to work as Research Assistants before graduation and as Lecturers after graduation.