About us

Industrial Engineering Thesis Master's program is a postgraduate education program affiliated with Tarsus University Graduate Education Institute. Students were admitted to the Master's Program for the first time in the 2021-2022 fall semester.
Department of Industrial Engineering has scientists and researchers who can identify engineering problems arising from society's needs, produce innovative R&D studies for the welfare of the society, perform effective team work, communicate both verbally and in writing, are preferred at national and international levels, are innovative, open to development and well-equipped. aims to continue the necessary activities to raise Students can receive education from contracted universities within the framework of exchange programs such as Erasmus+, Farabi and Mevlana. Industrial engineers can be employed intensively in R&D activities, manufacturing, textile, energy, automotive, logistics, finance and public sectors, aviation and space industry, iron and steel sector, health, informatics, chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries.
The language of instruction of the Thesis Master's program offered under the Department of Industrial Engineering is Turkish, and its teaching activities are carried out by the Industrial Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering within the Graduate Education Institute.